This app did what it said it would.
- It guided me to take the shots in order.
- It helps you line up the shots as you take them
- It creates a nice panoramic when youre done
- And its FREE
Yes, its a bit manual in the sense that it relies on you to get the pictures close to each other (but it helps with that). But that doesnt seem like rocket science to me.
The negative reviews puzzle me, particularly those who complain about adds. THIS IS FREE! Do you all gets that? Are you really complaining that the people working on this wanted to get money somehow? I guess none of you watch TV, read magazines, or listen to radio, because those have adds. Grow up!
So again, its not amazing, and it takes some guided steps, but it did what I wanted quickly ... and did I mention ITS FREE?!
fctjam about Panorama Free